Thursday, September 29, 2022

Just Another Mini Rant


Fear is like exploding shrapnel and

exposing my inner turmoil. 

And these random tangents disguise

themselves to be relevant 

when it's really a simple act of avoidance.

That's more terrifying than the truth.

~Tina Meeks

Friday, September 16, 2022

Write it Out, Explain Later


When is the right time to celebrate

pen to paper?

I hope they marry 

and have a happy ending of spilled ink and

the outcome is the explanation

and a matter of splatter. 

~Tina Meeks

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Writing Session


I'd like to find my space of comfort

within the confinements of 

twigs and leaves.

Between the dew drops belonging 

to blades of grass.

~Tina Meeks