Monday, July 27, 2020

What Music Can Do

Adios, bland world!
I'm about to enter my self-created place of tunes
to manipulate and stimulate me for the time being
So, thank you Fugees
for knowing how to rip mics on a regular basis
Thank you Jonny 5 and the other Flobots
for knowing how to handle bars with out a metronome 
for allowing me to jump on your shoulders
for letting me hear you through Swedish hip-hop
And thank you
Operation Ivy, Suburban Legends, and Reel Big Fish
for bringing the sound system back up,
keeping me up all the nights,
and reminding me that 
she's not the end of the world

~Tina Meeks

Thursday, July 2, 2020

I Wish You'd Sing All Day

Baby, do you sing 
yourself to sleep?
When you sing, 
does it softly place you into 
a confessional hum?

You serenade me into a trance
where I need not move
because even the slightest
wind startles you back into silence. 

~Tina Meeks