Thursday, June 30, 2022



Disappearing into the brush
yet, far from alone
It's enjoyable just being here
and knowing the creating is endless

My nerves get the best of me

A blue-haired juggler with a dog
bikes in
followed by a slender lady in glasses 
with focus

We've all come to rest the mind
and witness the murder of crows
and conspiracy of ravens
in addition to
other unknown birds with unexplainable sounds
and intangible sun behind the trees 

The mindless skilled nature
presses into my memories
like pressed flowers in books

Every breath is a distraction 
from movement that is excessive
and echoes from San Francisco not far

From where I'm sitting, the trees have sacrificed
themselves to maintain a pod
of sanctuary and shield from the television
of sky with acrobatic clouds
and the sound pollution from other cities

I'm too shy to strike up conversation
with the tiny tweets
and ferns that sway
There's enough wind to chill
my uncovered legs and wish I had
longer socks

This place communicates on its own
by the branches ability to sign language
and leaves with a trace

The sun begins to move behind the hilltops 
and air, more still

The first breath is to accept
the natural embodiment of an alternative home

Breathe again and allow for a journey
that can't be predicted
and disconnecting may mean,
the strongest connection that can
possibly be powered in the dark

Another breath to remember the way dirt smells
How vines and whatever these trees are,
compliment each other

Breathe again

See what happens next

~Tina Meeks

Thursday, June 16, 2022

I Forgot Something


Maybe I don't mind that smell in your hair

and how your clothes smell of nothing.

The center of your back 

is the softest

part of you, 

yet I forgot to breathe 

when we came that close.

~Tina Meeks

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

I Speak No Names


You know that disgusting feeling

and cringe you get 

when you find a hair in your food?

That horrific sight of floating particles

when you see someone's sneeze

floating in the air?

You ever have that moment when you realize

your feet actually do kind of smell

after a long day and

the socks must come off?

When you accidentally touch something sticky?

The sight of lipstick stuck

to the rim of a glass you're drinking from?

Shaking hands with someone

you know didn't wash?

Ya know how ya feel after

stepping in dog poop or gum?

That annoying feeling

after choking on your own spit?

That is how you 

make me feel when I see you.

~Tina Meeks

Thursday, June 2, 2022

You Took My Mind on This Thought Stream


No promises, no commitments

Just hopes of keeping up with

the everchanging destinations

Reconstituted with every glance around

You glanced away

Don't call it a spark or a flicker

Simply something gorgeous to look at

Your dimples are rhetorical 

to the visionaries of the world

Sipping sweet tea, minus me

Barriers between our hands

and the rest of our bodies

Nothing I know better

No time other than this second

that flashes before our eyes

with a dozen hidden messages

that are meant to leisurely dissect

and make sense if we let it

Let poetry drape itself over

your stomach and legs.

~Tina Meeks