Saturday, February 25, 2017

Pressed Flowers

I know who you are
You've made yourself known by 
pressing yourself in with the rest of the flowers
to be remembered
Only thing is, you're faded
And I have yet to paint the jaded and willingly detained
that have rained
on my parade
but I promise you,
this will take place
I never wanna be the death of you
Just the attention getter

~Tina Meeks

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Summer Sadness

Good morning to all
that are alive,
and to those no longer, 
so long
We have always loved you
and fear your pain
And we know you miss us
as we miss you,
so remember to never dismay

~Tina Meeks

Thursday, February 9, 2017

All of the Memories

Vibrant and timid mind
Mild tendencies
Light aggressions 
Abrasive mentions and soft obsessions
Defeating stances
Quite often planning for the next step
Maybe too soon
Defensively possessive 
Disappeared,  not vanished
Inquisitively easy to persuade 
Malleable movements
I see your heart
Patterned and patient
Pretentious and never passive
It's all coming back to me slowly
Pulled and tightened strings
Exposing secrets to get a better glimpse at 
glimmering wings
Demanding words and few are spoken

~Tina Meeks