Thursday, June 21, 2018

Dream From Last Night

I had a dream about you last night
and you pulled another fast one on me
At first, I was too shy to speak even a word
Watching you think you were invisible in a crowd
made me compare you to a snowflake
You're an ice woman
You outwardly show no remorse
in your eyes, unless your glasses
reflect distorted regret
I finally approached you
You almost actually seemed happy to see me,
as if coming out of a daze
And shortly after, you disappeared
like you always have
You know, you're a mystery to yourself
You will never know how delicate your
presence is, even though
it's evident you were once here

~Tina Meeks

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Is This What Love Is?

Your hand was so vulnerable
Your hand was like the air is around me
My eyes, focused
My heart was racing
I was trying to not seem possessive
Marrying you was not what I wanted
I didn't want to go all the way with you
I just wanted this

~Tina Meeks