Tuesday, April 28, 2020


You found love in the twists and turns
and entanglement of the trees
I found freedom in the flutter
of your sparkling wings
Reflecting blue like hummingbirds 
in the blink of an eye
This feels good to say
It all used to roll off the tongue a lot easier
when the city moved faster than now
Now, time feels at ease,
and that blue looks so vibrant and true
Where will you fly to, my new friend?
Will you search for more love to whisper in your ear?
There was a moment you inched closer to me
that I thought we might touch
Your blue, may be scented
You might be ecstasy sent from
the presence of every other color
that I am capable of seeing

~Tina Meeks

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

This Might Not Mean a Thing

Ripples in rain puddles erupting gratitude.
Mundane visions and every day 
kaleidoscopes are unicorns.
Some people are hiding. 
Some people are glowing with kindness,
and those are the people I wish I could hug.

~Tina Meeks

Friday, April 10, 2020

Since Last Time

Whether we speak nothing of this ever
or talk about how ridiculous we are,
it will have all been worth the experience
because we cause natural disasters
no matter where we go

~Tina Meeks