Thursday, November 8, 2018

Shyne Bright

We are able to look past our 
own mistakes and wrong doings
to see each others glow
You got me glowing
I wanna leave room for your dim light to beam,
especially when it's shy

~Tina Meeks

Monday, November 5, 2018

The Night I Sat at Whole Foods

The night was cold
Cold enough to see breath
Dark enough to feel alone
To think the whole world is at rest

~Tina Meeks

Sunday, October 21, 2018

It's Official...

Just wanted to share with everyone (anyone reading my blog) that it is finally official. I have published a book. I could not be happier that I have finally followed through with this. It's REAL.
Check it out if you get a chance: 

Support me! Read poetry! And stayed tuned for my next, because there will be more!

Thanks so much for anyone that's followed me in this journey.

~Tina Meeks

Saturday, September 15, 2018


I feel like Christmas
I am sick to my stomach and so furious

~Tina Meeks

Saturday, September 8, 2018

I'm The Worst

This will follow me forever
It will never be erased
Because I am at my best
when I have seen the worst of my days

~Tina Meeks

Thursday, September 6, 2018


Influenced by this
Dimly glowing atmosphere
This liquid courage

~Tina Meeks

Tuesday, September 4, 2018


I miss the rooftop climbs
As a kid, I collected rocks and they rocked
It's what kept me alive
I was a wimp
A shy girl wearing pants that didn't fit
In a small world like mine, that was as comfy as it gets
My brother and I used to wait for our ride after school
We walked across the pole and realized we weren't alone
As the lunch lady passed, the door never closed
It felt like a sign to enter or to let it go
An earthquake of nerves in a hollowed out
auditorium lunchroom
If we weren't alone, we'd be nothing but doomed
We emptied sugar packets in our hands
and there was nothing else to get into
We weren't thieves, just kids that liked sugar
It was a one time thing
Shoulda, coulda, woulda, we did

~Tina Meeks

Friday, August 31, 2018

Soul Sista

Hey soul sista
You've got my head rockin'
I'm searching for memories with you
Hoping for more to arise and we glide
on the wet pavement with socks on our hands
down the avenue
I've always wondered your deepest thoughts
and if they're the same stance as Bohemian Romance
I know where your modesty lies
I've never seen you cry
We claim and desire the same kind of independence 
and hide in the shadows but away from the trenches
We've got to reach higher

~Tina Meeks

Before You Left The Country

I'm trying too hard to be your friend
I'm sorry we can no longer be as we wished
Put your shirt back on
and lay on your side of the bed
We are to remain segregated as we sleep
Alone with cold feet and I like it
It's better than a cold shoulder
I'm sorry if this disappoints you

~Tina Meeks

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Everyone's Got a Vice

You didn't love me,
you just like painting graffiti on my walls
for that rush, like a tattoo
But you don't have any
I guess you were just chasing that heroin high

~Tina Meeks

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

November 20th, 2015

I don't think I could ever love you
I have no idea if you are even lovable 
You're impossible

~Tina Meeks

Monday, July 16, 2018

Humpty Dumpty

Humpty Dumpty only sat on the wall
long enough to realize, falling down 
was the way
He didn't die
He only cracked, and now
I think I understand the yolk of it

~Tina Meeks

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Dream From Last Night

I had a dream about you last night
and you pulled another fast one on me
At first, I was too shy to speak even a word
Watching you think you were invisible in a crowd
made me compare you to a snowflake
You're an ice woman
You outwardly show no remorse
in your eyes, unless your glasses
reflect distorted regret
I finally approached you
You almost actually seemed happy to see me,
as if coming out of a daze
And shortly after, you disappeared
like you always have
You know, you're a mystery to yourself
You will never know how delicate your
presence is, even though
it's evident you were once here

~Tina Meeks

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Is This What Love Is?

Your hand was so vulnerable
Your hand was like the air is around me
My eyes, focused
My heart was racing
I was trying to not seem possessive
Marrying you was not what I wanted
I didn't want to go all the way with you
I just wanted this

~Tina Meeks

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Old Friends

The sun and the moon
do not face one another
The glass and lit shadows
have nothing to do
Today is a day and tomorrow
is the story of her
The girl I never knew

~Tina Meeks

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Lost in the Wild

I fell in love with the memories
of you lost in my heart
in a foreign language
Lost in a place I have yet to go
I have yet to adore
Trying to learn how to control my throat 
is anything but effortless
I'd rather be quiet but I don't wanna
be alone
If I wanted to be alone,
I'd have befriended Christopher McCandless
and think nothing of it
We'd climb mountains
We'd eat beans from a can
We would keep walking 
until we reach anything and silently 
think to ourselves
about the reflections of our lives
and how silly society is
with islands of consumption,
and that would be the extent
of our communication 
And this is where I'm truly lost,
because you've trailed off in my mind
And you are always smiling...

~Tina Meeks

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

March 12th, 2018

My thoughts blanket the sky over and over
and pours until I'm drenched
I want to tow away my mind so
I have one less thing to think about
My worst thoughts are stowed away in the trunk
It would be liberating to be able to 
execute my own thoughts again
When I wait at the bus stop,
my focus is stopped by you
The thing is, you speak to me
You serenade me through Spanish
folk tales and songs
The only identifiable thing to feel is entranced
These feelings, I can't quite break down
because when we are together, 
we both become something other,
coming to life
I find nothing wrong with that

~Tina Meeks 

Monday, February 19, 2018

The Hustle

Self conscious like a tree
blowing in the wind
Living a peculiar kind of struggle
and deprived from the hustle
Maybe once before
Before nerves set themselves free
Before gender was ever a concern, 
and maybe there was happiness
because that's all there is in your youth

~Tina Meeks

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Face The Music

Hesitating the vulnerability
Pushing aside the fears
Restless nights never sounded so terrifying
until too many have survived
Lack of severity inhales any serenity
Exhale dust
Exhale dust, and I cough
Clear my throat and move on- it's nothing
Solitude forces the grasp on reality
and silence creates a space to hear anything 
that may have been missed before
But before, I thought it was music
Nah, now this is facing the music
like looking into a mirror
and at the first glimmer of something...

~Tina Meeks