Tuesday, July 27, 2021

A Loud Voice


Sometimes pieces break 

before the needle is threaded all the way through,

like popcorn strung sentences.

He sounds and moves words that give me goosebumps

and make them go away


Rings on the right pinky and ring finger,

he can fist bump from the soul.

He'll never be lost under the sun.

Breath going in and out like everyone does.

Tormented like on elementary school playgrounds

mounted on a calendar to never

be forgotten, but marked

of that preserved time for when 

someone thought less of him...

~Tina Meeks

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Perseverance Pt. I

I don't pedestal you
Easy on the eyes and so suave
Your voice itself
each time you speak,
you speak accolades

A voice with paragraphs between breaths 
spilling memories with father telling
stories with intimate details

I don't pedestal you
I admire
the pureness in your voice
The uncontrollable urge to
speak with hands and sway to convey
energy, feeling, time
You bend those things with emotion
and conviction

I don't kneel down to you, trust me
but I like the way you speak on paper
and now that you've shared your echoing tone
it's all I hear when reading your voice

~Tina Meeks

Saturday, July 17, 2021

I'm Lost

My brain feels stunted and lusting over

a time that existed as a fragment or a clipping 

from a newspaper found in a box

under the bed.


Timestamped in a place

that once was quiet.

~Tina Meeks


Thursday, July 8, 2021


My dreams try to capture you at night

so I wonder if you sleepwalk with 

every desire on your sleeves,

or do you believe you're invisible?

~Tina Meeks

Thursday, July 1, 2021

This is What I Think You Are


You are a moonless night

the loneliness of a cricket in the brush

and the curtains whipping in the breeze.

~Tina Meeks